The full TPM 2024 Conference Program is now available.
Some final room locations are still to be updated.

14th Annual Theory + Practice of Marketing Conference (2024)
Hosted By: McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin
Conference Dates: May 16-18, 2024
In 2024, TPM will be partnering with the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM) with a special issue on “AI, Machine Learning and Marketing.”
The TPM conference welcomes all research on theory and practice in marketing and is open to all methodological approaches, including conceptual papers, formal modeling, secondary data, lab/field experiments and empirical modeling. Research should be focused on real-world applications to address substantive practical issues. There is a special interest in research that has the potential to inform regulation and public policy as it relates to marketing phenomena.
TPM 2024 conference (and the IJRM Special issue) will have a special focus on topics relating to the impact, both opportunities and threats from the emerging technologies of AI (broadly defined), machine learning and adjacent technologies (e.g., automation, robotics) and the methodological application of these technologies to marketing scholarship.
Submissions should be no more than 8 PowerPoint slides (in reasonable type size) and include the following:
- Title, Authors, and Affiliation (Slide 1): State the title, authors, affiliation, and contact information
- Audience and Motivation (Slide 2): What is your research motivation? Whose problem are you solving? Clearly establish the research motivation and identify the target audience.
- Results (Slide 3): Describe the key findings in words.
- Method (Slides 4-7): Describe your methods, specific numerical results, and limitations/generalizability.
- Linking Theory to Practice (Slide 8): Describe how your research links marketing theory to practice.
Please remember that the audience is not purely academic, so your slides and presentation need to be easily understandable by both scholars and managers. A committee of experts will select the accepted submissions to be presented at the conference. After the TPM conference, the EIC and co-editors of IJRM will begin accepting manuscripts for the special issue in September 2024. Manuscripts must be received no later than January 31, 2025.
TPM Submission Deadline is Over
Decision on Conference Submission: March 15, 2024
We look forward to your submission and seeing you in Austin for the 2024 TPM Conference!
2024 TPM conference Co-Chairs, Doug J. Chung, Andy D. Gershoff, Raji Srinivasan