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Call for submissions for Special Issue on:

Theory+Practice in Marketing (TPM)
Deadline: November 30, 2023

The International Journal on Research in Marketing (IJRM) is pleased to announce a special issue in collaboration with the 2023 TPM Conference. While we warmly welcome conference participants to submit their best research to the special issue, conference participation is not a prerequisite to submit.

Consistent with the spirit of the TPM Conference, the special issue seeks research that bridges the gap between marketing academia and practice by tackling substantive marketing problems. Consistent with IJRM’s positioning, the special issue particularly welcomes papers that address timely topics, hold the potential to fundamentally disrupt our current belief system, and/or exert a profound impact on the practice of marketing.

The special issue is open to all methodological approaches, including experimental studies, qualitative research, and empirical modeling. Research should be focused on real-world applications, drawing on rigorous methodology to address substantive concerns. The special issue is also open to research that has the potential to inform regulation and public policy, so long as it relates to marketing phenomena.

The EIC and co-editors of IJRM will begin accepting manuscript for the special issue starting September 1, 2023. Manuscripts must be received no later than November 30, 2023.

Papers considered for the special issue will need to be effectively revised within a short period of time as our editorial aim for the special issue is to make definite up- or down-decisions before the end of 2024 (see also next section). Accepted papers will be published online asap. The print version of the special issue is scheduled for Spring 2025.

About IJRM
IJRM is the official journal of the European Marketing Academy, and is positioned as the
supreme outlet for the most novel and innovative marketing papers.
IJRM is also known for being a very author-friendly outlet. This includes fast turnaround times, a constructive and developmental review approach, and the avoidance of endless rounds of pingpong between author teams and reviewers. If the authors wholeheartedly invest their deeds before the initial submission and during the review process, we hope to be able to bring good papers out faster than elsewhere. Time-to-market is too often neglected as a key factor in making marketing research relevant.

This special issue will be managed in this spirit. In particular, papers will need to be effectively revised within a short period of time, and our editorial aim is to make definite up- or down decisions before the end of 2024.

Papers targeting the special issue should be submitted through the IJRM submission system ( and will undergo a similar review process as regularly submitted papers.

Important: when submitting your paper, please select as Article Type “SI: TPM2024”.

We start processing submissions for the special issue on September 1, 2023, with the final deadline for submissions being November 30, 2023. We strongly encourage authors to submit before the deadline. If all authors submit on the same date, the competition for competent and constructive reviewers will be naturally more intense.

All manuscripts must follow the guidelines of the International Journal of Research in
Marketing (see

IJRM Editor Team:
Martin Schreier (EIC), WU Vienna, Austria,
Renana Peres (Co-Editor), Hebrew University, Israel,
David Schweidel (Co-Editor), Emory University, U.S.,
Alina Sorescu (Co-Editor), Texas A&M, U.S.,

IJRM Managing Editor:
Cecilia D Nalagon,